
saloon is a curated creative community and networking concept that exists primarily between our Discord channel and this newsletter. (okay, and Instagram @saloonnieres).

we’re an online community to find and promote opportunities, events, and your work. talk ideas! share your writing, project, brand launch! plan, curate, execute events and collaborations with these people! slide into every and all DMs for a coffee or wine chat! get the inside scoop on work-life balance, salary, what it’s like to work at XYZ before you apply or commit or negotiate. tell us what you're going to this weekend! this is meant to be a behind the scenes space that empowers and informs us in our fields, workspaces, and interests. and to gab, obviously.

how it works

a chatroom of carefully selected creatives, industry professionals, and collaborators inform our paid newsletter ($5/month!) about the job opportunities, gigs, events, and partnerships happening in/all around us! the newsletter provides the creme de la creme of these opportunities with direct contact information (+ discounts and exclusive event invites!). here’s an example of an unpaywalled newsletter so you can get the gist.

the best part? it circumvents the impervious qualities of the job & gig market by allowing representatives from our community to post directly about opportunities at places like Vox, Conde Nast, NY Mag, Brooklinen, SquareSpace, Glossier, Graza, (our full members list here) and give their contact for reference.

wanna join the discord?

paid subscribers are eligible for Discord access (pending a brief review!) and will have access to the entire newsletter. this tier comes with all the job & gig opportunities circulating in the chat, media requests for interview contacts (at pubs like Elle, Cosmo, NY Mag, The Strategist, etc.), exclusive event invites, and partnership calls, all with direct contact information to the source so you can make the connection.

the catch?

we are keeping things slightly exclusive so as to create the best interior experience for our community—we want to make sure those that are part of our community are legitimately interested in advancing or improving their business, whatever that may be, and want to create a safe and welcoming environment so that our community feels saloon consistently holds valuable contacts, opportunities, and experiences!

what industries are included?

although we’re heavy in select industries—media & pr, fashion, beauty, food & bev, photo, design—we’re always happy to expand to different categories. at the moment, we have a “miscellaneous” category as well, for people working in indefinite spaces!

to inquire about joining saloon, or to nominate a member, look here! or email juliafharrison@gmail.com.

saloon was started by julia harrison, an editor and writer for Architectural Digest living in brooklyn, who also writes
